Dealing with Adversity by Wally Armstrong

"Don't let the bad shots get to you. Don't let yourself become angry. The true scramblers are thick-skinned. And they always beat the whiners." - Paul Runyan

Years ago I was sitting around the clubhouse with a few guys when one of them handed me his business card. His name was Frank, and he told me that whenever someone complained about their game, he would hand them one of his cards. On the back it read, "Your story has touched my heart. Never before have I heard of such appalling misfortune on the golf course. Please accept this expression of my sincere sympathy." I almost fell out my chair from laughing so hard. I've kept that card for over twenty years, and it still makes me smile. And it reminds me to keep my troubles to myself when I've had a bad round.

That's a good lesson for all of us. When we're struggling on the course or going through an unlucky streak, it doesn't do any good to complain. Most people really don't care about how poorly we play. On the course it's a good idea to keep your failures—and your successes-to yourself. Play your own game, and leave others alone to play theirs.